Thursday, March 8, 2012

Long Sleeve Shirt Into Mini Skirt

Supplies Needed:

* Old long sleeve shirt (short sleeve could work, but I used the sleeves for the waist band so you  would have to improvise).  It needs to be a knit fabric though so it can fit over our womanly curves :)
* Thread
* Rotary Cutter or Shears
* Clear ruler


1.  Cut off the sleeves.  Don't mind the deoderant streaks, I was trying to see if this shirt would even fit over my hips and got deoderant everywhere, I can wash it out later :)

2. Cut strait line at the armpits, this is where the clear ruler came in handy.

3. Next measure the width of the top of your skirt.  Mine ended up being 18.5", this will help determine how long you need to make the waistband.  So I used the sleeves to create a waistband, but if you have a short sleeve shirt you want to use you could always use any excess fabric you have laying around or an elastic band (get creative with it).

4. So I added a 1/2" to my 18.5", so I would have a little room for the seams making the front of the waistband 19".  Line up the sleeve to the length you desire and cut a strait line.

5. Next I got the clear ruler and saw where I could cut off the excess sleeve and get a strait line.  Make sure the fold from the sleeve is on top.

6. Now pin your cut waist band to the other sleeve you have.  Cut around so that they are both the same size.

7.  Now pin both ends together so create your waistband and sew together.  I used a zig zag stitch, just make sure you use a stitch that will stretch out for the knit fabrics.

8.  Now with the skirt inside out, pin the waistband to the inside (so the right sides will be facing). Make sure you match up the seams on the sides. Then sew.

9.  Press seam.  Now we have a cute little mini skirt!

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